you probably couldn't so we had to e slow it down and take more pictures and send it to the cfl to see whether or not they could definitively find, and i'm look looking at this, and it appears to be an object in there. you know what, the other thing to point out about that video, we know that officer hernandez's gun is out? of course, we do, and you can't watch it when you see the video the first time, you can't see his weapon, but you see flashes, and you can't see his weapon, but we know that he had a e weapon and that he fired. and these videos are what they r are, and they are not the best quality. and you only get in the direction of the squad car is facing. so it is not a cameraman, you know, like we have here today that are following that case. but i believe -- >> why no audio? >> there is a lot of audio in here. yes? >> and why not audio on the video? >> first, let me talk about the audio. first, that is frustrating, because u now we have seen that in the cases that we are reviewing with these dash cams that there are no audio, and that is a problem nfor the chicago police depa