transparency regarding surpluses or savings and the allocation process is critical, and then, perhaps the cgoboc can implement policies and procedures to make the process more transparent because there's an inherent ability to hide problems by moving dollars which should receive public oversight. thank you. >> any additional public comment? seeing none, thank you for your presentation and then, let's move onto the next item. >> thank you, commissioners. >>clerk: item nine, opportunity for committee members to comment or act on any matters within the committee's jurisdiction. there are five. a, goboc annual report for fiscal year 2017-18. b, public finance for up coming issue. c sur public railroad have as. d, templates, e gsh ---surplus public surveys. d, templates. >> we have in our packet a proposed copy of a cover letter including individually a son reports and as per procedure, we usually send this packet, this reporting to the mayor and to the board of supervisors. in addition to this, and you haven't seen it in your packets, there will be a detailed annual report that's prepared by the con