. -- offense was ordering the house chablis. that works pretty well in good times. it kills you in bad times. it absolutely kills you. >> did they pay you as speaker? >> no. i would do anything for the notre dame club. this is -- they are blue and gold. having been vanquished by them so many times. the two parties, the perception of the democrats is they are downscale, not well educated, so the democrats love to nominate people with ivy league pedigree is to speak in complete paragraphs. stevenson, kennedy, roosevelt, even bill clinton, barack obama. the republicans are seen as the party of the landed gentry and the well off, and like to nominate candidates from humble origins, whether it is richard nixon, ronald reagan, certainly herbert hoover, dwight eisenhower, jerry ford, and that is why george h w bush, another man who i like and admire enormously at the personal level an incredibly thoughtful man -- he reinforced the perception of the republicans as the party of the landed gentry. it became a problem in 1992. >> which cam