during its recent century, the chacher town hall experienced a great deal of public slaughter and deathi prison has softened for military personnel, tending savetsky rural technical colleges and schools. in 1974 , the town hall had a bedroom. in the old days, people swallowed tears as they heard smoke over the hearts of the chacher land. more than 30 years ago , we were in the process of restauratsy, but now we are in the past, the chacher town hall begins to enchant us with a mystery. we will conduct a tour of the main enterprises ; at the beginning we carry out an incoming inspection of the water itself, which we collect in a container, this is the initial stage, we even let's start the working day, we will learn the history of the development of production, the main specialists were sent to us, that is, the first chief engineer and the first chief technologist, we already had our own design base created in the sixties, and of course, we’ll talk about the achievements and results of the work. over the past 5 years, we have almost doubled our productivity. today , about a million bottl