chad is working on a special three-day event to happen this summer in ferguson missouri laughter is the best medicine. the goal is to help foster healing and peace after the shooting of michael brownn see with me in the studio. good to see you. >> good to be seen. >> i'm very good. let's talk about what you've got planned in ferguson. you're very busy you've got a lot of going on and attention for your great acting and now giving a pause to focus in on ferguson. what prompted the decision to tackle this the way you've chosen? >> i got a phone call from a friend in atlanta, a pastor actually, and it was around the time where they were going to decide whether the grand jury were going to indict the officer. chad we've got to help these people, we've got to do something. and it just immediately came to mind, these people need to laugh a little bit, you know? we need to ease the tension some. so that was the initial thought. let's do a night of comedy. let's get a-list comedians to come to ferguson and their we are ferguson t-shirts to show we're all one community. to lend their support with their talents and gifts and talents, let's have this whole community lifted up in laughter. >>