chad griffin is president of the human rights campaign, a great organization.ect for marriage coalition that paid for that ad. i would love to know your financing there. and joan walsh is editor at large of and a msnbc contributor. chad, that ad was very impressive. we all know why. if we put it back up again, we'll know why we were impressed. what was dick cheney, the man of the hard right, i would sometimes say malicious right, what is he doing on such a fine piece of news print? >> look, this is one of those issues. i know it's rare in washington, chris, but there is actually bipartisan immigrant on marriage equality. this ad features laura bush and dick cheney and colin powell and ends with president obama. what else do those three agree on? >> now, buddy, we're going to get into trade craft. you didn't go to them and ask them to sign on to this ad. you found what they said in print, right? >> these were public interviews. these are clips, tv clips. >> did they know they were going to be used in these ads? >>. no these were tv clips. these are obv