when he gets on the single lane road, watch what chad harris does. >> you are joking? >> oh, boy. oh, he does exactly that. he rams them. >> he crashes the truck into the brand new bmw x-5 car. and the officers were joking at first about being rammed, because they realize that it is a brand new car that we are driving, and, the guy that we are chasing is known to be a bad driver. now, you see that the police car is going through the what chad harris has done, crashing his car on to a 20-mile police pursuit. in this section of the video air units have gotten on to the trail of chad harris and he runs it through a fence and bails out here and runs into the bushes. police were able, obviously, the catch up with him, and lead police directly to him. >> charles, directly in front of you, ten meet es. >> in this chase, he damaged eight other vehicles. he was jailed for 19 months and given a seven-year drer's license suspension. >> whoa! >>> it is not football season, but we got another video of fans getting rowdy in the stands, and this time it is soccer. this is at mnt stad