my name is chad hautala. i'm a retired firefighter, a medicare recipient, and a member of the uhc health plan. i'm here to voice my concern and that of virtually everybody in this room who is a retiree to the actions that have culminated in today's meeting. june 7th was a meeting at which the full board, then constituted, voted to reject the blue shield proposal and to affirm uhc. the letter, which i believe you all received, dated june 15th from former chief joseph fusaro, should be in the record. it addresses the scoring system regarding the difference between uhc at 69.52 points, compared to 51 points for blue shield of california. it also refers to the item addressed by the first speaker that this this board has never accepted plan, and your time has expired before for, blue shield. as a ratings below for uhc has a rating above four, and we'd like to we'd like to your comment. thank you for your the comments end at one minute, and we'd like to move on to our next comment to give time for everyone today, e