. >> that brisk february morning, chris asked his best friend, chad littlefield to come with him and ph to come to the rough creek lodge gun range, a hunting resort about two hours southwest of dallas. but when chris and chad pick up ralph a chris's big black truck around 1:00 in the afternoon, ralph is weary and the feeling is mutual. the strange man in the back seat set off alarm bells for chad and chris. while driving chris text chad, this dude is straight up nuts. chad responds, he's right behind me. watch my 6. military slang for watch my back. still, when they arrive at the range, chris goes ahead with the day's plan. >> chris was definitely in the front and chad was behind. and i know that he had old wet kind of replica guns and both were empty. ralph waits until chris has fired all his shots down range and guns down chad. then before chris knows what's happening, ralph shoots him six times all in the back. >> i know that chad and chris both had their side arms holstered and on safety. the shooter, i think, was over there. and he definitely had some loaded weapons that turned o