. >> chad randall. >> good afternoon, chairman nolan, members of the board. thanks for the at some point to speak today. i'm the chief operating officer, we are a parking technology company based here in california san diego. we also manufacture these products. today i'm joined by pretty much all the executives management of ips. we are the current provider of the credit card single meters today. certainly the industry is learning a lot from that project as are we as a vendor of technology. we are equally excited to be a part of taking that technology throughout the city. and with the team here, myself included, stand firmly committed to you, the city and this project and to be a very long-term project for the weeks and months ahead. thank you for the opportunity. >> i have a question for you, sir. sometimes it's very difficult to read the message on the meter. is there something going on to improve this? >> the next generation of technology is incorporating a larger display on it. it's feedback we took from you. >> glad to hear that. >> what i ran into wasn'