thinn it is appropriate to allow students to write a person accused of, let alone permission".the chairmaa ooect unacceptable..the mom has pulled her children out of the school and puu them into counseling. the mayor .... epitome...// ../- servantmayor.../ cory booker ...pulleddaa woman.... out... of this... burning building.../ááinsideáá.../ áálasttá niggt.../ when... mayor booker ... came home.../ ááheáá saw... flames... shooting out... of the second floor.../ of... his neighbors home..... áásoáá he... árushed iná.../// áámadeáá his... way... through the smoke-filled hallways..///.to the woman's beddoom.../ááandáá dragged her... out of the house yeah, just some second egree burns, and t was thank god. thank god everyone ii ok. firefighters say bookers actions probaaly saves the woman's lifeone member of bookers security detail tried to top him from going in the building......but booker ordered the man to let him go. toss to wx 3 33 coming up on the late edition the high price some students have to graauate at one school... obama says: "it is just plain wrong that middle-class ameri