vice chairperson avalos: what if we were to make the threshold 80%? would that help us get to a 50% majority? >> i would assume that there may be some that might creep over the 50% mark. vice chairperson avalos: i just don't know if the 65% signed makes any sense, based on this data, at all. >> correct. getting to the city offices, out of the top 20, we looked at the top 20 cities to determine whether there are systems for voting for mayor. three of the top 20 outside of san francisco had enough data that we couldn't collect it and inform ourselves, los angeles, detroit, and charlotte. in los angeles, which you will notice, they have 50% and you win in the primary, and you do not go on to the second collection, and they are actually in a march, april, may, june that scenario, separate from any other time or anything else on the ballot. in those cases, the 50%/65% rule could work out because their voter turnout tends to be lower and there is a much core group of people showing up, and the fact that you could win at wrightwood push more people to shop.