>> sorry, chairperson cohen. 5 also wanted to clarify one thing. in our contract that we float, the tenders we upload, one basic requirement is we follow all the local laws and, of course, india laws. we do not go against any local laws. we follow local laws. now if any hotel is banned from doing business or is not permissible, we would abide by it. so it is -- that's also part of the contract that we go as for the local laws. >> president cohen: all right. i appreciate that. thank you very much. all right. no, captain. we're doing. thank you. we have to move on. we have a lot of things to get through. this is not the only item on the agenda. okay. thank you. i would like it make a motion to approve and send to the full board, approve the lease and use agreement to the full board. any other discussion? >> supervisor fewer: roll call vote, please. no. >> supervisor stefani: yes. >> president cohen: yes. motion passes. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, item 11. >> clerk: resolution approving professional services contract for management and operation