. >> good afternoon chairperson farrell and members of the budget and finance committee. i am joyce hicks and i thank you for the opportunity to address you. we are getting the powerpoint loaded up on the screen. >> why don't we get going because we have a number of other presenters and i want to make sure we're respecting people's staff time. >> certainly. i will quickly run through the presentation, the topics that i will discuss with you will be the history and the mission of the occ, organizational developments, our budget, investigations, legal unit, and information technology. the history and the mission of the occ is that it was created by a board of supervisors initiated charter in 1982. the occ became fully staff and operational in 1983. it is under the jurisdiction of the police commission, not a part of the police department but part of the police department's budget. the mission of the occ is to investigate civilian complaints and impartially and we make recommendations on police practices provided by charter, and in terms of promptness of investigation. in 20