chairperson rogers and ranking member jackson-lee. thank you for allowing me to talk about this. i will be happy to answer any question. >> i thank you for your service. >> i'll admit i find it intriguing, i think everybody is pretty much acknowledged that tsa has at a minimum perception problems and organizational problem that is need to be addressed. if you are familiar with what we are doing here, i talked about as did our witnesses the bloated size that we are starting to see in tsa and how that is hindering it's public image. one of the things that i have heard from the public is their complaint that they seem to not be doing anything. over my tenure of chairman of this committee. we have about one third of the tsa that could be reduced as far as personal size and still do the job as effectively and current. i know there is nothing magic about that. but i would like to frame the question this way. would you agree that the tsa is bloated in it's personnel structure or size, whether that bloat is 10%, too many or 40% and somewhere within that spectrum would you agree there is