chak wa kah deesh paklah! ...kah deesh paklah! sounds like klingon. ...kah deesh paklah! ...'kiv duj... in range. respond. we've been attacked by an unknown ship-- designation enterprise nx-01. any warships in range, respond. set a pursuit course. aye, sir. bring the grappler on-line. we've got it. bridge to security. send a team to launch bay one. ( grunting ) everybody all right? . mayweather, have you still got a fix on the shipwreck? yes, sir. transfer the coordinates to the launch bay. i'm going back for the boarding party. sir, the alien ship sunk another 2,000 meters. it's below the shuttle's safety limits. then polarize the hull plating. we'll take enterprise down. reed: there's got to be some way off this ship. ntegrity of klingon escape pods. my guess is we're better off in here. it's irrelevant, lieutenant. klingons don't use escape pods. it would be considered an act of cowardice to abandon ship. maybe we can use their com system to contact enterprise. i doubt their com will penetrate the em field any better than our own. if we can access their helm controls we mig