and also, what say you about congressman chaka fattah's bill, the debt free america act? do you support that bill? are you supporting the republican bill that is similar to his, modeled after congressman fattah's bill? >> well, i'm not going to comment on a particular bill right now. let me speak to the broader point that you're asking about, april. this recession has been hard on everybody, but obviously it's harder on folks who've got less. and the thing that i am obsessed with, and have been since i came into office, is all those families out there who are doing the right thing every single day, who are looking after their families, who are just struggling to keep up, and just feel like they're falling behind, no matter how hard they work. i got a letter this past week from a woman who -- her husband had lost his job, had pounded the pavement, finally found a job. they felt like things were stabilizing for a few months. six months later he lost his second job. now they're back looking again and trying to figure out how they are going to make ends meet. and there are jus