joining me now is congressman chaka fattah of pennsylvania and michelle cottle. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you, rev. >> congressman, let me go to you first. 3/4 of the country is opposed to the republican shutdown. how long can they drag this out? >> well, if we get a democratic president and republican congress, we seem to get shut do shutdowns. when people look at the clinton years, they don't think about shutdowns. they think about the new jobs. when they look back at the obama years, they're going to think of tens of millions of people having health care. there can be no retreat on the affordable care act, there won't be any retreat. i told your viewers a few weeks back that the president was not going to compromise on this issue. we won't. and what they've done now is taken the entire government hostage. >> how long if there's no retreat, how long can they keep in this inflexible position of a shutdown where already 72% of the public is against them. how long can they hold out like this? >> i don't believe that they can hold out fo