. >> but chaka khan no. >> cenk: a young asian woman dressed like a geisha is unacceptable. >> i totallys interesting because we've got another young woman who was dressed as a geisha recently. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> cenk: i don't know either. wait a minute! okay. acceptable or not acceptable. jayar jackson. >> here's the thing, if you don't realize it, and there is a group that it offends you pay attention to that group and you say, oh, we knew about black face and others saying i'm in the hood party and they put on big butts, that's obvious. but here is a group who didn't know at the time and they say here is the history of that group, and. bothers me. that's off limit as soon as i disagree. but there are lines. if you dress up as a comfort woman, god that has a whole history with it. >> as what? >> a comfort woman. when the japanese came and devastated not just the chinese but the koreans and took women as comfort women whoa, that is offe iv bu the history of comfort women than the history of war segregation and all of that that makes the difference. >> i would