chaka majaliwa has to help them up. he's assisted by some of david kalume's actors, currently touring the area. >> we're here because we are working on a program on environment. mostly what we're doing is looking at community resilience towards climate change, as we can see the way the weather patterns are changing, we can see that the climate is not as it was some years back. reporter: for one, the dry season is getting longer. sometimes it doesn't rain for months on end now. the theater group has invited locals to a workshop to talk about their troubles. the team hopes participants can pass on what they learn here to other villages. one of them is 68-year-old kilawa kithome. >> if everyone plants trees, it will be good for the environment. living conditions will be better and that will keep people healthier. reporter: the retired civil servant has planted a range of trees, from casuarinas to blue gum and neem trees. they provide shade and protect the ground from drying out. he also keeps bees. he has 18 hives, and ear