he's not responding. ( alarm blaring ) we've lost commander chakotay. duplicate or not he was real to me... and he was a fine starfleet officer. and... he was a friend... who... wasn't afraid to let me know when i am wrong. mr. kim bring the enhanced warp drive on-line. turn voyager around. captain... set a course... for the demon planet. if you're age 50-75, massmutual makes it easy to get quality life insurance coverage, about guaranteed acceptance life insurance. it's designed to help cover final expenses such as funeral costs, medical bills, and other debts. while no one wants to think about these costs, it's important to prepare for them. they're inevitable, and often add up to more than you think. without insurance, that expense could fall upon your loved ones. consider how long it would take to save $8,500-the average cost of a funeral today. but you can get the coverage you need amounts range from $2,000 to $25,000, so you can choose the one that fits your needs and budget. and payments can start at less than $10 a month. plus, your payments wil