has set yet they differ in height and shape as a rule large extended families lived in wide short challoner's taller ones were used as lookout points and for other defensive purposes the towers were built close to villages and in gorges with paths used by troops on foot and on horseback many were extensions of forbidding clips. rock faces. provided protection from clan infighting among the diverse arrays. was served as beacons if people manning which tell was in the lowest lying villages at the entrance to the gorge noticed approaching enemy troops then they would lie don't fall as people in all the towers so the smoke. was in remote parts of the gorge in accordance with a long standing tradition building a tower was to take no more than a year if builders failed to meet the deadline the structure was pulled down and built a new towers belonging to the same clan were regarded as sanctuaries in due course they became symbols of the clans power and wealth as time went by they turned into veritable objects of worship. one of the most revered sanctuaries of via set in people is a medieval archite