officer champlin cut the cables to her, but before that happened, the female had pushed officer champlin to the side where his side was bent over the rail, and officer anderson noticed that he was about to fall -- officer champlin was about to fall over the rail with the female. thank god for the quick, heroics of officer anderson. he was able to grab ahold of both of them and bring them back to safety. numerous units responded to assist, and they were able to finally detain the individual and get her the help that she needed. officer champlin and all the other officers had to make a split second decision to risk their own lives and to save the life of a female wanting to take her own life. this incident all unfolded on a small fire escape that we know well is a -- dangerous to all, but they decided to put their lives at risk to save someone's live. for these acts of bravery, and the heroics of them deciding to forget about themselves and protect a human life, officer thomas anderson and officer ryan champlin are awarded the bronze medal of valor. [applause] >> next, commander dave lozar