and in december 1927, after the communist uprising in the city of guangzhou, chancaisha ordered the arrestviet employees consulate general, accusing them of inciting the people to revolt. on december 14 , five consulate employees and six chinese workers were shot. these events were preceded by the military alarm of the twenty-seventh year and the revolutionary events in... china, as well as their support from the ussr. the possibility of losing the chinese colonies caused a harsh reaction from the british authorities, including breaking off relations with moscow and threatening to start a war. in february 1953, an explosion rocked the soviet embassy in tel aviv. the attackers planted a thirty-kilogram bomb under a marble bench. shards of stone scattered in all directions. several diplomatic mission employees were injured. later, militants from the israeli terrorist group malkhut israel were captured, but the authorities were unable to prove involvement in the explosion at the soviet embassy. in october 73, during the yom kippur war , the soviet cultural center in damascus was completely de