city college whether it's the controller's office or my director to the valuable time to support chandler tyler to make sure that everything is financially accountable. it's my more than hope i'm essentially telling you with senators leno's leadership and the other leadership we're not going to fail and allow conditional to fail or allow on accreditation challenge something we can't manage in the city. in fact, i think we've done and evidence this solidly everything to date particularly in the last year every time a strong foundation for city college to be over this financial cliff. and we'll continue to see that strongly united in the city because we have a body to convince. i believe that that convincing is even more strong with the stabilization effort that we're holding on here. we're beginning relationships that i think the city college will appreciate and it's something by the did with our school board years ago. now you look at how they've transformed and changed with us. we're not he letting go of the city college accreditation we believe that people see the evidence is clear we have a