>> operation specialist chandra mcdonald has been away for a year travelling the world, singapore, dubai sisters and brothers. >> and welcome home sailor, won't be deployed until may. those are your headlines, congratulations. >> i want to add quickly, the president said this morning on meet the press, the republicans only unifying theme in negotiations have been protecting tax breaks for the wealthy, that's what the president says. that's not exactly a good way to find common ground with republicans on the morning of the deal. >> juliet: i'm guessing that things aren't moving forward. >> dave: that may not be a coming-together moment. >> clayton: perhaps he knows that the ball is in his court and-- >> playing politics. >> clayton: coming up on the show he, vladimir putin playing politics with children's lives. now, thousands of kids' futures hang in the balance. >> juliet: it's a horrible story, including this little boy's. the american couple trying to adopt him. they were supposed to be getting him just a few days from now. join us live to talk about this terrible story. >> dave: and