the aim is to reach the shan top islands and far in the all chappelli goes the biggest cull of the of seals isn't it lonely out here where the only one failing. to travel is on board hope to get to the islands by the off to noon of the following day but a few hours later the weather turns for the worse. great clouds in a cold piercing wind portend a storm more than two hundred kilometers of left to reach the shanta arlen's there's no way to floyd from the weather if the vessel is cool top in a bad storm anything could happen it could capsize who waves might toss it on to a sandbank if it's close to the shore. road of course this is a dangerous area or else men are greater risk a year or more for anyone trying to get through this two hundred kilometer stretch will have to cover it in one go the newborn or floor of course if you haven't gone too far away from the shore that you can turn around and go back. in any case it depends on where the bad weather gets you it's up to the captain to make a decision. the yacht has a month's supply of fresh water and fuel on board however every. trip