char fiorella. well, this is yet another major development. in this case. i mean the, like you said, the russian anti terrorist committee has confirmed that or release a statement rather than the anti or that the ukrainian government was behind the murder of 40 year old russian war journalist ballade len petoskey. it said that the official statement says that it was done in collaboration with some sort of agents that have ties to the russian anti government opposition activist flood alexander alex aiden of ali, who is currently in prison. and this is an organization that is considered an extremist organization in the russian federation. this goes, this ties back into another recent development in this case that we got not long ago from the russian investigative committee saying that, ah, daria trap of a is, is a woman who was detained by the authorities on suspicion of being behind this murder reports in the media saying that she was detained, not only that she was detained, but also that she had a history of being detained at anti government rallies in rus