don't know how many people here bound haight-ashbury what have read emerson or teilhard teillard de chardin. but it did talk about the shifting of the human relationship to the natural world along with elements of the renewed search for the sacred in nature. ae counterculture included type of back to nature or back to the land romanticism. thisw personal examples of , that emphasized the importance of getting in touch with and living close to nature, living more simply. and often in communes. -one of the more novel things about communitarianism in the 1960's was that they were not only in rural areas but also in urban areas. that was different from the 19th century. counterculture, they lived in communes and begin eating natural, organic foods, promoting vegetarianism and so forth. it was part of that scene if you well. the counterculture interest in nature was a last spiritualize -- a less spiritualized character than what i find in transcendentalist lot. it was more of an ecological sensibility relating to growing concern at the time about pollution, chemicals, pesticides and other forms