souki's charif strategy? wanted to own as much of the export market as he could possibly get his hands on. not only with that amount to a $20 billion export terminal, they were well underway with construction of a terminal in corpus christi. he wanted to set up a large trading platform, possibly getting into the crude export game if and when that end goes away. tol icahn, it seems, wanted up his stake. we learned this last week. from 8% to 13%. whenever you are the ceo of a company that has never had a profit and carl icahn comes in, that's never good news. this is what happened. finds himself a ski bum these days, instead of an oil executive. brendan: his ambition has been curtailed, who else might be in an expansive mood? the market has changed so much in the past couple of years. the prices are pegged to oil prices. a couple of years ago when gas lngstill cheap in the u.s., was still expensive in asia, japan, and europe. charif souki had this nice arbitrage where he could buy it cheaply in the u.s. and sel