charlemagne hill rollins was very open and very friendly, very social. she was a mentor to gwendolyn brooks. she was a mentor to langston hughes. a lot of writers, margaret walker really came in and loved her. vivian harsh on other hand she was called the lieutenant, okay? i won't even tell you why. you can imagine. she was more from the old social elite, okay? her family was from the old settlers club in chicago. she had a tendency to be stand offish but was passion about her special negro collection. >> where did the money for her family come from? >> money is not even issue. old settlers club was people that settled in chicago from the very beginning. it was a status that you had, you know, just like if you could read and write back in the day you had a status as opposed to having a million dollars. get the picture, okay? however vivian harsh did graduate from simmons college with a degree in library science charlotte may left the south ahead of danger, i put it that way. ahead of danger. came to chicago for a better life. she was married to joseph ro