we know him as charlemagne. which, if you say careless magness many times, it will sound like charlemagne. he comes to the rescue with an army, a frankish army, and in exchange, the pope offers him a small token of his gratitude, he makes him emperor of the world. he returns to his hunting lodge, in the capital of the empire at that time, which had a population smaller than the rancho bernardo inn. that begins the foundation of what later is transformed, in various stages, into the holy roman empire of the german nation. his successors claim to have the power to appoint the bishops in germany. this pope says, no, that's my responsibility. they are of the church. this sets a great conflict between the two, called the invest a conflict, who has the right to appoint bishops and give them their land, and their keys of authority? the german emperor, henry iv, says that's my job work i represent god on earth. this pope says you are wrong. they have a great debate, and you might think, who's going to win that? the germ