this is charlene waters. this is very orthodox. another youngest agent for me this time, i think there is no really easy solution to other than to flatter the ego of donald trump look, keeps daughter. look, uh, bringing this letter of invitation from taking a look at my role and you know, slapping each other and do these being all chatting with each other and crazy. donald trump, as a bringer of new fresh solutions and the only man who can solve this issue, whether that will still presuppose, you know, keeping up with dignity is another quick on that point. the point paper on that point is the landscape of mine. to do that is the landscape the right mind to do the flattering and to take ukraine through the next stage. that is a very perceptive question, and that is the question that is being asked by millions of ukrainians. right now. there's serious questions about the flexibility of mr. president at the same time, there's praise of his behavior in the face of this all slot in this very onto phlegmatic behavior on the part of the