. >> in april 2013, assistant district attorney charlene franks was tapped to look at the case. to trial? >> yes, i did. >> prosecutor frank's first one after ravens character, by calling women from his past. she hopes the jury would start to see the defendant as an amoral, controlling man, who cared little about his marriage. >> you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth -- >> she testified that one afternoon she went to his house and revenge odorous ex tape, and then janet came home the. >> we have to go hide, we have to go hide. he almost physically pushed me, didn't hurt me, but he pushed me into the closet. i just stayed until she left, and then i left. >> next to testify, ravens coworker, and abel have zero. she said raven flirted with her and they eventually had six. >> i did say to him, what if your wife finds? out he said, she won't ever know. >> prosecutor franks then got to the heart of your case, opening to prove that janet was trapped in an emotional lee abusive marriage. >> janet ever talking about problems she had in a marriage? >> yes. >> breast finn,