charles arlinghaus?: it is insisting the number of independents and libertarians, the calls we are getting. i think congressman paul has a different credibility on military issues and, frankly, on his non-interventionist status, because his -- he served in the military itself and it explains why there are a number of murders -- military personnel supporting his campaign. at one point his campaign said they have more military donors than any campaign. i do not know how true it is but it sounds possible. it gives one to cut government but not veterans benefits, some tried to argue it is inconsistent and i would disagree, simply because the general argument is you made a commitment to the people as part of a contract with the serving and you have to fulfill the terms of the commitments. veterans benefits should not be cut because you promised them already. it makes a lot of sense. i do not know anything about the coomittatus bill -- i have not seen that. it sounds like it would be a mistake but not an issue