i proudly present to you my friend, charles bracelen flood. [applause] >> give me a much better opinion of myself that i had months ago. i really wish this had been in reverse because i would like to introduce jerry kelly to you. i will, however, ask you just to go fast forward and reverse with me and tell you a little bit about jerry. when i was down here, i had one connection with kentucky before i met kathy and that was for seven years when i was this on fund to rebuild -- infant terrible in the 50s are something like the board of overseas committee in harvard. and the professors at harvard were not very feast about this. it with the regular army -- who is this guy from the national guard coming in to tell us what we're doing? but one guy was very pleasant. whenever i meet somebody from kentucky around the united states and say it is unlikely that you would know who is this is leaders killed his name is barry bingham sr.. what do you know? they always knew who barry bingham sr. was. not until i got here did i understand why they knew him. a