and putting pressure on that friend, charles capone, is what happened next. ound in possession of a gun, a big no-no for a former felon. capone was placed in the county jail while awaiting federal charges on a firearm violation. in a cell, the visiting detectives had his full attention. >> and i get this interesting visit from dan hally and jackie nichols. >> i essentially opened it up with today, charles, you're going to tell me you killed rachael and where her body is. his response was, well, you only got one of those right. i didn't kill her. >> reporter: if charles didn't kill her, who did? the investigators landed hard on david stone, the only other person known to have been with rachael that night. >> and we confront him with, stone we know you got blood on your hands. his response was he just sat back and he said, i need a drink of water. never denied it. but that's when -- then he wanted his attorney after that. >> reporter: with no reason to hold him, david stone was free to go home to wife alisa, the woman cops fear he wanted dead. but not charles. h