there are the two instrumental justices in this building, william howard taft on one wall and charles evans hughes above the fireplace, looking at each other through time. >> i like to go sometimes on a quiet night to the connerence rooms, because the portraits on the walls are all of my predecessors as chief justice. to some extent, you look up at them onnthe walls with a degree of a lot and an appreciation of what they did. they are eager looking down on me with either bemusement or amazement. each of them has the story to tell, not even personally but the institution of the court. you look up at marshall and appreciate the court functioning as a court, moving the court from a situation where each justice wrote his own opinion. instead of saying, no, we are going to have an opinion of the court, which was crucial in having it in its present form, write to the most unfortunate of my predecessors, the author of the dread scott decision, and you have to understand that he thought he was going to e