six that would stop biden from becoming president and would keep trump in office his brother, charles flynn, was part of pentagon discussions that day as to whether or not overrun capital police and d.c. police at the u.s. capital would get back up. and those hours, and hours, and hours of delay. during which 140 police officers were injured. those hours, and hours, and hours of delay which ultimately proved fatal. those hours, and hours, and hours of delay remain unexplained, and it remains unexplained why the pentagon initially denied. absolutely lied. denied, that charlie flynn had anything to do with those discussions when effect he did. finally, someone is trying to get to the bottom of that. those were just slivers of the requests of about trump house white -- >> white house records. that's not even counting, for example, the request of the justice department about trump trying to winless justice department officials to overturn the election results in specific states and ultimately what they were trying for was overall. so these demands for communications and documents have gone out