those nice people at the charles g. koch charitable foundation -- yes, those kochs -- gave him at least $230,000. in recent years his grants came through donor's trust the front group that funnels money from oil, coal and other special interests. well what do we know? we know that financial incentives affect people's behavior. does anyone doubt that? that's life. that's why politicians have to disclose their political contributors and gifts and benefits they receive and even personal financial information. that's why regulatory agencies and scientific journals require scientific submissions to make plain who funded the work. that's why expert witnesses' funding sources are relevant in court proceedings. and that's why upton sinclair once said -- and i'll quote him -- "it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." so we know that money talks. that's not news. what else do we know? well, we also know about that industry playbook to keep safety regulation at bay by fu