s desk at the end of an era brooklyn district attorney charles hynes who has been in office for more than two decades. and in two thousand and thirteen thompson made history by becoming the first candidate to defeat an incumbent one hundred years. he promised to speed up the wrongful conviction tied to detective. parolee derek hamilton hopes that thompson will keep his promise. for two decades derek hamilton has been fighting to overturn his guilty verdict for the murder of the fan you'll cash in brooklyn hamilton says he was in connecticut at the time of the murder. come and were headed we go into. the night for. a reason for the name of the going away party. over. the party over the carpet on john were so you had plenty of alibi would let me plenty of family and friends we would. go away. it was that day. kelly turner's derek hamilton strongest alibi witness turner was running a talent agency at the time of the murder and later became in meyer new haven police officer at the time hamilton thought he could help turner with her talent booking business in new york where he had connect