charles leale: no, he will die on the way. dr. charles taft: the saloon. here, next door. not be said the president of the united states died in a saloon. not even my own. lieutenant bolton: doctor, give me your commands and i will see to it that they will be carried out. dr. charles leale: as i said, across the street, to the nearest house. lieutenant bolton: make a path! let us pass! dr. charles leale: stop, stop! [grunts]. abraham lincoln: [gasping breath]. dr. charles leale: [grunts]. william h. flood: the house opposite is closed. henry s. stafford: here, here! bring him here. dr. charles leale: go, go, go. man: clear the way, please. out of the way, please. tom hanks: lincoln is taken to a boarding house directly across the street from the theater and, due to his 6'4" height, laid diagonally on the bed of absent boarder, william clark. shorty after 11:00 pm, secretary of war edwin stanton sets up a headquarters in the back parlor of the house and establishes relays between there and the war department telegraph operators. he alerts general grant and calls him back to