three went charles piutau, up points. three went charles piutau, up went the locals. wasps were suddenly weary, the red hot hands of ulster all the way to stuart mcclos key, ulster all the way to stuart mccloskey, the centre from bangor scoring. after the excitement was a time for calm, personified by christian leila fallow, his penalties made this say. stand up for the ulsterman, when the song. watch out for the ulsterman is the message. two games in the challenge cup of cardiff blues registering a bonus point win over lille, while the other match involving a british side was a draw, sale and toulouse, 20 apiece. a major revamp of test cricket is planned to make it more appealing for fans increasingly turning towards the shorter form of the game. england will take part in a test world championship after the governing body gave the go—ahead for an19 two your governing body gave the go—ahead for an 19 two your series to begin in 2019. there will be at 13 team one—day international leg leading to direct qualification for the world cup and the trial of four—day test matc