i will wait. >> start again, sir. >> once again, i am charles riggs. i am speaking on behalf of my neighbors and residents in the east mission area in the boundaries of the neighborhood that i gave to you. i believe item k is a proper item for me to speak k. i have been advised that the special issue of the number 10 bus using the 25th street hampshire location is what we have been trying to resolve. she advises me there is in the works a possibility for actually doing that. a cheeky fellow once observed that it is only to those without hope that hope is actually given. we do have some hope to resolve this very serious problem, new sanlses and hazards that have been created by that number 10 town's end bus. if you go forward as planned and remove that, that will be much appreciated by our neighbors. there are two issues that we have not yet heard addressed. one is the deadline for removal of that number 10 townsend bus from the term nuss, an the area is an assurance that no other buses or muni equipment will be placed in that term nuss -- terminus, for