very large hedge funds, state of new jersey, new york city, and also people like charles schaub, they would all say investing in hedge funds is a bad investment. nobody likes admitting to a bad investment. you're going to be stuck in hedge funds for the next ten or fifteen years. nobody likes it. i can't imagine mr. kocher ever saying to you, board members, i made a mistake. you should have invested in hedge funds. i don't think you will hear those words. thank you. >> good afternoon. happy new year, commissioners and staff. claire savansky (phonetic) appearing for the residents of the city and county. we all believe very strongly in education. i think this is one of the most important items that you have had on your calendar. i want to thank you for having it during these meetings and not during a retreat where we can't hear the discussions or it's harder for more people to get to. i think that mr. brian is giving us a very important lesson. it's good for all of us to hear this. we understand some, more than others, what fiduciary responsibility is. i think there are issues when memb