. >> charles schmitt, thank you very much for that. down unrest seems to die -- seems to settle on missouri, the national guard has withdrawn from the area. over the past two weeks, more than 160 people have been detained during riots over the death of michael brown, a black teenager shot dead by a policeman. a grand jury is currently looking at evidence to determine whether the officer involved in that shooting should be charged. it could take weeks to make that decision. venezuela has long suffered from food shortages and the government answer to that is to force consumers to scan their fingerprints at the supermarket. the president says the biometric card will soon be introduced in a bid to prevent people from buying too much of the same stuff and from smuggling them into neighboring countries for a profit. shanna hawkins explains. >> shoppers in venezuela will soon be handing over not only their money at the checkouts, but also their fingerprints. the government is planning to introduce biometric security in supermarkets that can t