dennis: charles capone was sentenced to life without parole in february 2015. david stone, who pleaded guilty solelyath, served three years behind bars. he was released july of 2016. i want to apologize to rachael's family. dennis: when we spoke with stone, he expressed remorse for what he had done. it's a day that i think about every day, and i will the rest of my life. if i could change it, i damn sure would. why didn't you go get your phone and call 9-1-1? you knew you had just witnessed a murder. i'm-- and all the way up to that point, i thought he was my friend. did you solicit a hit on your wife? never. dennis: did you want her dead in those days? no. so where does this story come from? that's a good question. dennis: david stone's former wife alisa still doesn't know for sure if he wanted her dead. i bet there are very few people on earth that could put themselves in your shoes and even understand what you've been through, alisa. you know, i've been through a lot, but nothing compared to what rachael's family's been through. i don't think my pain's comparable to what her daughters and sons ha