could call financial services, you know, include charles schwab in there, everything else seems to be moving higher. citi, goldman sachs, morgan stanleyxpress all looking better. i need to get to jeff grossman. jeff, help us differentiate between the august contract of oil, we just flipped over to the suspect contract, and -- september contract, and i personally noticed september is a bit lower here. so what does that mean, that we're going too fall, the colder months certainly, and yet oil is pulling back? >> well, again, this is the last day of trading for august, so you really had to throw that out. there's very few people involved. the open interest is minimal, and the market moves around. pretty much free range here. now, it happened to have been there was a bit of a squeeze here for some of the shorts at the very end of this month, and they did blow out that split. the truth was september was a better indicator of where we are for the last couple of sessions now already, and it's working its way lower. if you look at it, it had a nice bounce off of the lows that took place last week which i took my bows about, and -- [laughter]