experimental psychologist charles trent's works with chef use effects kitchen theory professor spence is head of a cross mobile lab at oxford university and researches how effects can amplify influence and even deceive our sensory experiences too much testing in a science lab it's not like releasing sticking people brain scots which part of the brain lights up you can find things out but it's nothing like a social. experience to try and capture people in the wild as much as possible and here's where the perfect potential opportunity for that is a coming to a kind of innovative unusual experimental almost dining experience does a mushroom dish taste more like it came from a forest when it's served on a wooden platter. out of the shell so we. only see the color red here because. back at the tasting menu. the main course squid result is served while calligraphic designs are projected onto the table does that impact its taste intensity. the fact that your brain comp quite make sense of what he's seeing what's the food what's the and which was leading the other is kind of attention capturi