example you know it's not scalable in many ways but it goes back to what you know charles and i and charles usenet and i have said and many like yourself are saying there's going to have to be massive localization and decentralization of the economy because it's not serving our needs we need to actually have an economy that enhances our college life rather than draining it away the nucular families coming back this all that all that hand-wringing and pearl clutching about the loss of the family and bowling alone and all that's that we're all going to be living together bake and cookies there's that now i have to ask you this because you said. that people are of course wise to cope accumulate wealth and preserve wealth with gold and silver immense in the dollar he said while still the most liquid currency out there but it is the dollar is the devil's currency it does fuel the empire and it does cause all the problems around the world and so why not opt out of the dollar as people in nigeria are doing iran zimbabwe and in the philippines people are saying you know what the big point is my path out o